Domain: Eukaryota - Eukaryotes have cells with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles (Wikipedia, n.d.).
Kingdom: Animalia - Animals are capable of movement, breathe oxygen, are multicellular, can reproduce sexually, and consume organic material (Wikipedia², n.d.).
Phylum: Chordata - Chordates must exhibit five specific traits to be a part of this phylum: “...a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, an endostyle or thyroid, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail” (Wikipedia³, n.d.)
Class: Mammalia - Mammals are vertebrates with mammary glands, fur or hair, a neocortex in the brain, and three middle ear bones (Wikipedia⁴, n.d.).
Order: Lagomorpha - Lagomorphs consist of rabbits, hares, and pikas which are composed of a mix of basal and derived traits and a “...a moderately fused postorbital process to the cranium…” (Wikipedia⁵, n.d.).
Family: Leporidae - Leporidae more specifically are just rabbits and hares, distinctly having short, furry tails, long ears, and long hind legs (Wikipedia⁶, n.d.).
Genus: Sylvilagus - Sylvilagus are cottontail rabbits, known for their stubby, fluffy white tails, which live in nests and have altricial young (Wikipedia⁷, n.d.).
Species: S. transitionalis - Sylvilagus transitionalis are New England cottontail rabbits, which typically have black hair between and on the front of their ears and have a unique frontonasal skull sutures with jagged lines (Wikipedia⁸, n.d. ).
Wikipedia. n.d. Eukaryote.
Wikipedia². n.d. Animal.
Wikipedia³. n.d. Chordate.
Wikipedia⁴. n.d. Mammal.
Wikipedia⁵. n.d. Lagomorpha.
Wikipedia⁶. n.d. Leporidae.
Wikipedia⁷. n.d. Cottontail rabbit.
Wikipedia⁸. n.d. New England cottontail.
Blog Image Source: Fukuyama, W. 2023. Cottontail. Free to use under the Unsplash License.